- The Sibme team
Spring Forward with Data, more Data, and Reporting!
As the second semester begins, we’ve seen an unbelievable amount of data collection about teacher growth in Sibme! In order to make that data more actionable, we have made several enhancements to our Reporting and Analytics capabilities this Spring to help everyone from coaches to district admins have better insight on how students are being served by teacher success!
For the first time ever, insights can now be gained at scale in any school, district, or learning organization, providing 24/7 support for educators. This allows you to understand not only individual classroom dynamics but also the practices that are driving success across your entire learning network—whether you're part of a school, school district, institution, or learning organization.
AI Insights - Capture more data on your Frameworks and PLs
For Accounts with access to Sibme AI, you can now upload any Artifact from a classroom (lesson recordings, lesson plans, instructional materials, student work) and click a button to instantly capture evidence from the Artifact aligned to your Frameworks and Rubrics. Simply assign the Framework to your Artifact and look for "Assess Practice Using Assigned Standards and Performance Levels"!
Enhanced Coach View - Keep track of everyone’s progress
If you’re in lots of Coaching Huddles, our enhanced Coach view now allows you to select “Coachee Progress” at the top of the page. Coach view allows you to follow up on what you need to review as a Coach and the new Coachee Progress view allows you to see what your Coachee has done in your Huddle (watched videos, reviewed resources, read comments).
And now, click on any tile or piece of data on the Coach Dashboard to see a list of related Artifacts or comments on the left side of the screen!
Major Updates to Analytics!
The next time you click on Analytics, you’ll see a new filter bar at the top of the screen.
The first is a new filter option that allows you to use the same filters as found in Goals and Forms Reports to see data for sub-sets of Users in your Account.
Framework Tags and Performance Level Data
When you click on the Tags and PL’s tab and select a Framework in the filter button, you’ll see a whole new view of Framework, Custom Marker Tags, and Performance Level data. In addition to the ability to view charts as bar or line charts, you’ll also notice two new pieces of data:
1. A summary chart with the sum of all Framework Tags and average PL for each month.
2. A list of all the Untagged Standards from your Framework for the chosen time period (hot tip: click the “Show Tagged Standards” toggle button to see the sum total of tags for each standard for the entire period).
AI Dashboard
But the best update to Analytics is our new AI Dashboard. Click the button at the top of the screen to check it out!
This is the first in a series of new data dashboards we’ll release of AI that covers AI Reports data collected across your Account. By default, you’ll see individual data for Users in your Account (and can use the “Next” and “Previous” buttons to page through every User who has run Biometrics and AI Reports). These reports are filterable using the same filter button as elsewhere in the account.
Individual charts allow you to compare data for an individual User’s AI Reports against account averages. If you wish to dive deeper into comparisons, click the purple icon next to the filter button and select Multi-Users.
The Multi-User view will show all the Users' data in the Account for the different charts, including anonymized data for teachers who have not run Biometrics.
AO/SA Homepage
With so much data being collected in Sibme these days, it can be overwhelming to keep track! So we’ve built a simplified home screen for Account Owners and Super Admins with all of your engagement, Goals, Forms, Framework, and AI data in a single place. And our enhanced leaderboard will include more data-points to see who’s most active in your Account!
Other Updates for February
In addition, we've made minor revisions and corrections to our platform based on User feedback.
Added new data to Goals Reports (Measurement Value, Due Date) to the details pop-out.
Added export capabilities to the details pop out as well as Framework and PL data.
Made it possible to review multiple Forms together to see all data in a single table.
AI Insights is now available on Document Commenting in the mobile app.
What’s coming?
We're doing major updates to Goals and Forms as well as the People page this sprint to make rostering, assigning, and managing large groups of Users easier for program administrators.
Our AI Dashboards will continue to add new data and we’ll keep improving and building new prompts and reports (did somebody say DOK?)
Lastly, we’re adding the ability to scan PDFs directly from the Sibme Mobile app, making it easier to capture Lesson Plans, Student Work, and other documents to share with our AI Insights!