- The Sibme team
Web App Updates - v.15.3 - Feb 22, 2021
Updates include: export all discussions, number of attachments in discussions, Goal Action Items export, What’s New links.
Export All Discussions
Have been in a discussions area and wanted to export all discussions at once, without going into each one and exporting them individually? Well now you can. In the main discussion listing page click the '...' menu near the top right of the page where you'll find the 'Export All' option. You can even export individual discussions from this screen now. Click on the '...' menu at the end of each discussion in the list and you'll find the new Export function there as well! Give these a try!
Show Number of Attachments in Discussions List
You no longer need to go into individual discussions to figure out how many attachments are in the discussion. We've added a handy new 'Attachments' column that will display the number of attachments right on the listing page! Check it out!
Goal Action Items Export
Based on client feedback, we've now added an Action Item exporting! Go to an Action Item in one of your Goals. From there, click on the '...' menu near the top right of the screen. You can select Edit, Export PDF or Export Excel, from this new menu!
Lading Page What's New Links
We've been working on making it easier to find our updates. With this in mind we've added 'What's New' links on the Landing Page! You can click on the What's New button on the right side of the screen or you can click the user menu in the main menu and you'll find a What's New link there as well! If you're reading this, chances are that's how you got here. Don't forget to subscribe to updates in the What's new area! We'll be posting updates about twice a month, letting you know about all the cool features we're adding!